A large part of the data base was so dull, bland and grey, we decided to of focusing on adding/finding colours!

CLICK a fun COLOURED THING to see results of our colour walks!
CLICK on this TEXT to see who/what inspired us!
Orange is a very warm colour and often provides the sensation of heat. While it's a common colour associated with summer and the hot sun, often associated with being a main colour of harvest and autumn due to the changing colour of the leaves and pumpkins.
Red is the colour of blood and fire. It's associated with meanings of love, passion, desire, rage, anger, danger and also seen as emergency.
Yellow can be warm, cheerful, increase mental activity and muscle energy. It helps activate the memory, encourage communication, enhance vision, build confidence, and stimulate the nervous system.
Green has healing powers and is understood to be the most restful and relaxing colour for the human eye to view. It is often associated with nature therefore a peaceful and revitalising colour.
Blue communicates significance, importance and confidence without creating somber or sinister feelings. Considered a highly corporate colour, it's often associated with intelligence, stability, unity, and conservatism.
main page
Chart of the column "Colour"
- Bland
- Dull
- Grey
Colour research and inspiring artists:
We enjoyed the concept of the walks but wanted to add our spin to it:

We decided to go on dérive where we choose a colour and watch our surrounding pop as we follow the colour from object to object, and used this as the starting point of our concept.

During these insightful colour walks we gathered all kinds of information such as:

- whether new places were discovered
- how much nature was present
- what the people were like that we saw
- how much of the colours were man-made and how many natural

We collected a huge amount of pictures of the objects and analysed what kinds of objects were in each of these photographs.
- We realised we wanted to make something phsyical and interactive based on the matrix' we made, for example: "Dear Data" by Georgia Lupi and Stephanie Posavec.

- We like thinking about how children perceive colours in a completely different way than adults do. Vivienne Westwood's "Chaos Point' collection got us thinking: How can we combine this sweet and innocent childlike way of thinking and colours to create a product?

- How to add colourfulness to people's days/the intention of changing the course of somebody's day?

- How to use our project to address political and social issue going on at the moment?

Making a performance?
Organising colour walks?
Creating collages?
Using chalk?
Through these colour walks, researching the meaning of colours and what they bring to us as humans we wanted to strip down to the basics and decided to make a "Colour Your Life" colouring book.

In these times of Covid, our lives have no certainty and we have no control over most of the things that are happening. During these walks, for a small moment, people can perceive and have control over their lives by choosing which direction to walk or which colours to use.

During the insightful dérive, a large amount of images were collected with some objects appearing multiple time. By using these recurring objects, keeping the aspects of the childlike manner of approaching things and including/giving power to anyone to add colour to social and political issues. Our product "Colour Your Life" became real, including interactive walks, encouraging instructions together with pages designed to ease frustrations by encouraging people to bring out their feelings.